Kitchen is open for lunch
Tuesday - Saturday from 11am - 4pm
Cake Pick-Ups and Slices are available
Tuesday - Saturday from 10am - 6:30pm
Coming Soon!
Our story begins back in the good ole 90's. 1994 to be more precise. But before I go any further, let me introduce myself. My name is James. My mom opened Brick Street Cafe when I was 9 years old. My mom's name is Sara Wilson and she is the mastermind behind Brick Street Cafe. She is an amazing woman and entrepenuer.
Our story actually starts before Brick Street. I will try to take you through our history very briefly. First of all, my mom, Sara is very talented and creative. I remember her making professional level birthday and wedding cakes out of our home as a hobby. She was always working on some kind of craft, or what some would call folk art. She was known for her handpainted birdhouses, wooden paperdolls, and awesome cakes! My dad is a unbelievable wood worker & craftsman.
I remember the day mom sat us down at the kitchen table and she held up a key. She said something along the lines of "well we just bought a restaurant, things might be a little different now..." and boy was she right!
Back then, Brick Street Cafe was much smaller. A quaint cozy cafe on the west side of downtown Greenville. We are in the West End Historic District, which wasnt built up like it is today. We had a cook and a dishwasher, a server, and my mom, Sara. Back then love muffins were baked a dozen at a time! LOL. We didnt have a large menu, or the Sweet Potato Cake at this time either.
I can't really go any further without mentioning another woman that has been apart of my life and Brick Street from day 1. Enter, Miss Sue.
Miss Sue is an integeral part of our restaurant. Sara and Miss Sue have known each other since before I was born. Now it was no secret the Miss Sue knew her way around a kitchen. Sara called Miss Sue when she realized that she owned a restaurant now and needed a cook. Miss Sue was our first employee! And thank goodness too, or else we wouldn't have the best chicken salad around!
Next up is the late David Godfrey. David owned one of the shops
